How do I register a Download Key and get my files?

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How do I register a Download Key and get my files?

    1. Open a web browser.
    2. Go to
    3. Type your email address and password to either log in or register. The My Account navigation panel displays.  If you created a new account, the system will send you a confirmation email.  If you do not see the email within 5 minutes, check your spam/junk folder.

  1. In the navigation bar to the left side of the panel, click ‘Register a Download Key’.

  1. Type the Download Key, all upper case letters and hyphens, in the field and click Submit.

  1. Select the Download text, the zipped file will download to the Downloads folder on your computer.

  1. Find the zipped file in the Downloads folder. Select the file and move it to a known location on your computer.

  1. Extract all files from the zipped folder, view the PDFs and photos. Open the embroidery designs folder and copy the correct format (for your machine) and paste it onto a USB stick for transfer to your machine.
  2. Your downloads will remain in the Downloads tab of the My Account page, select the green shaded buttons to the right of your files to access.

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